Users Guide

18 Solutions Overview Guide
To rename network adapter names
netsh interface set interface name="<adapter
name>" newname="<new name>"
Joining the Server to a Domain
At the command prompt, type
netdom join %computername%
/domain:<domain> /userd:<username> /password:*
At the command prompt, type
shutdown /r /t 0
Before the Server Core system can be managed remotely, certain default
security settings have to be changed. Refer to Server Core Installation Option
of Windows Server 2008 Step-By-Step Guide at
for specific information on changing firewall setting for the following
commonly required management tools:
Enabling Remote Desktop access
Enabling Remote Administration
Enabling Remote Computer Management
Remote Windows Firewall
Enabling Remote Device Management
Planning a Hyper-V Deployment
A Hyper-V deployment requires very careful planning to ensure that the
deployment can meet the current goals and can scale for future growth. This
section discusses a few of the important aspects involved in ensuring a
successful deployment.
Hardware Sizing for Hyper-V Hosts
The Hyper-V Planning and Deployment Guide available for download from provides a very good overview of the capabilities of
Hyper-V and also provides generic deployment considerations. The sections
below highlight the additional important considerations.
Prior to moving workloads from a physical to a virtual environment, it is
strongly recommended that the behavior of the workloads on the existing
physical servers be evaluated over a period of time. The behavior of the
workloads has to be tracking across a typical utilization cycle to obtain the