Setup Guide

Removing Dell devices
To remove Dell devices from the HPOM console, perform the following steps:
1. To remove a Dell device from the HPOM console, see the section Delete, copy, and move managed nodes under Maintaining
nodes in the HP Operations Manager online help.
2. Before removing Dell 12th or later Generation of PowerEdge servers, Dell PowerVault Storage servers, or Dell Workstations
from the HPOM console, relinquish the acquired Dell Connections License by performing the following steps:
a. Launch the command prompt on the management server.
b. Navigate to DellSPIConfigUtility.exe.
The default location is C:\Program Files\Dell\OpenManage Connection for HP.
c. Type the following command:
DellSPIConfigUtility.exe —relinquish=<iDRAC7/iDRAC8 device servicetag/ServerNodeID>
The ServerNodeID is used only when you want to remove a Dell PowerEdge FM120 device.