Setup Guide

NOTE: In the Event log, ignore the errors pertaining to reimporting of existing management packs
under the error logs. These errors occur when Feature Management Dashboard reimports all the
dependent management packs that are already imported while importing a monitoring feature.
NOTE: Wait for a task to complete (view the state update change in the dashboard) before
launching another task using the Feature Management Dashboard.
Table 12. Feature Management tasks
Tasks Description
Import Agent-free Scalable Feature Imports the scalable feature of Agent-free
monitoring feature.
Import Agent-free Detailed Feature Imports the detailed feature of Agent-free
monitoring feature.
Set to Agent-free Scalable Feature
If the detailed feature is running on the system,
the Feature Management Dashboard switches
from the detailed feature to the scalable feature.
On upgrading from the previous version, run this
task to use the latest version for this monitoring
Set to Agent-free Detailed Feature
If the scalable feature is running on the system,
the Feature Management Dashboard switches
from the scalable feature to the detailed feature.
On upgrading from the previous version, run this
task to use the latest version for this monitoring
Set Agent-free as Preferred Monitoring Method Enables the Agent-free monitoring feature as the
preferred monitoring method for your Dell
server and Rack Workstation, when the Dell
servers and Rack Workstation in the setup are
monitored through both, Agent-based
monitoring feature, and Agent-free monitoring
Associate Run-As Account
This task associates the Run As Account used for
SMASH discovery with all Dell Server objects,
required for health monitoring. For more
information, see Associate Run As-Account task.
Remove Agent-free Monitoring Feature Removes the Agent-free monitoring feature.
Refresh Dashboard Updates the Feature Management Dashboard.
Refresh Node Count Updates the node count.