Release Notes

Server Monitoring (Agent-based)
The Attribute "Enable Correlation" for "Dell Windows Server Physical and Teamed Relationship
Discovery Rule" is set to "False" for all Teamed Network Interface (Enriched) in the Dell Windows
Server (Detailed Edition) Management Pack. Set the attribute value to "True", to see the
relationships between Physical and Teamed Network Interfaces in the "Complete Diagram View",
"Modular Systems Diagram View" and "Monolithic Servers Diagram View"
The Performance Rules "Total Transmitted Packets", "Received Bytes", "Total Received Packets"
and "Transmitted Bytes" are disabled by default for all Physical Network Interface (Enriched) in
the Dell Windows Server (Detailed Edition) Management Pack. Enable these rules to generate
performance statistics for the Physical Network Interfaces.
The Performance Rules "Total Transmitted Packets", "Received Bytes", “Total Received Packets"
and "Transmitted Bytes" are disabled by default for all Teamed Network Interface (Enriched) in
the Dell Windows Server (Detailed Edition) Management Pack. Enable these rules to generate
performance statistics for the Teamed Network Interfaces.
The Dependency Monitor "Dell Server Availability Rollup (from iDRAC)" is disabled by default for
all Dell Servers in the Dell Scalable management pack. Enable this monitor to roll up the iDRAC
network interface health to the Dell Server health.
The Performance Rule "Dell Server (Agent-based) Physical Disk (SSD) Performance", is disabled by
default for all Physical Disks and is a part of the Dell Windows Server (Detailed Edition)
Management Pack. Enable this rule to generate performance statistics for the Remaining Rated
Endurance Level of the SSDs (Solid State Drives).
Server Monitoring (Agent-free)
To use the Server Agent-free features, download the Microsoft WS-Management template from
the Microsoft download location mentioned in the Dell Server Management Pack Suite Version
6.1 User’s Guide.
Performance rules are disabled by default. Enable "Dell Server Performance rule" to view the
Server performance data (temperature, power and Network Interface Card (NIC) and CPU,
Memory, IO and CUPS).
Performance Unit Monitors are disabled by default. Enable the performance unit monitors to get
performance health status.
Health Monitoring for components under Software RAID controllers is not supported. Data
required for health monitoring not available from the device for such components.
Network Link status for PowerEdge FX2/FX2s shows internal NIC connectivity; network cable
removal does not affect Network Link status for PowerEdge FX2/FX2s.