Owners Manual

Keyword Search
Allows you to filter the search based on the keywords that you are providing.
For example, if you select BIOS, the Keyword Search displays all the BIOS related components.
OS Type (DUP Only)
Allows you to filter the search based on the operating system selected. The options available are:
Windows 32–bit
Windows 64–bit
Linux (32–bit & 64–bit)
Filters the component(s) based on the criticality of the update. The available options are
Recommended, Urgent, and Optional.
For example, if you select Urgent, the Dell Repository Manager displays all the components that require
an immediate update.
Update Type
Filters the component(s) based on the type of update required for the component. The available
options are BIOS, Firmware, Driver, Application, and Utilities.
For example, if you select BIOS, the Dell Repository Manager displays all the components that require a
BIOS update.
NOTE: This filter displays the components only if they match the search criteria.
Filters based on the availability of the update file. You can select from the following options:
All available files — Lists all the possible files from the catalog file.
New files not in Dell FTP Catalog — Lists the files that are posted later than the FTP catalog date.
All files not in Dell FTP catalog — Lists the files that are already part of the Dell FTP catalog.
File Format
Filters based on the required file format for the update. You can select from the following options:
Dell Update Packages (DUP) — This is the default option. You can import all the DUPs to the local
repository when you use the default option and chose download.
Non-DUPS — You can download all the non DUP files to the system by choosing this option, but
you cannot import non DUP files to the local repository.
Filters updates based on the selected time period. You can select from the following options:
Any Date — Display updates for any dates.
Date Range — You can assign a Start: and End: date to filter the updates periodically using this