
l Set power icon and standby mode password options.
l Program the following functions (depending on your operating system):
¡ Prompt a user for an action (Ask me what to do).
¡ Enter standby mode.
¡ Enter hibernate mode.
¡ Shut down Windows and turn off the computer.
¡ Choose no action (None or Do nothing).
To program these functions, click an option from the corresponding drop-down menu and then click OK.
Hibernate Tab
The Hibernate tab lets you enable hibernate mode by clicking the Enable hibernate support check box.
Intel SpeedStep®Technology Tab
Depending on your operating system and microprocessor, the Power Options Properties window includes the Intel SpeedStep® technology tab. The Intel
SpeedStep technology allows you to set the performance level of the processor according to whether the computer is running on battery or AC power.
Depending on your operating system, typical options are:
l Automatic The processor runs at its highest possible speed (Maximum Performance mode) when the computer is running on AC power. When the
computer is running on battery power, the processor runs in Battery Optimized mode.
l Maximum Performance The processor runs at its highest possible speed even if the computer is running on battery power.
l Battery Optimized Performance Processor speed is optimized for battery power even if the computer is connected to an electrical outlet.
To change additional Intel SpeedStep options:
1. Click Advanced and then click one of the following options:
l Disable Intel SpeedStep technology control
l Remove flag icon (from the notification area)
l Disable audio notification when performance changes
2. Click OK to accept any changes, and then click OK to close the Intel SpeedStep® technology window.
You can also change the Intel SpeedStep settings by right-clicking the flag icon in the notification area.
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NOTE: Windows XP controls the performance level of the processor depending on the power scheme that you select. See "Power Schemes Tab."
NOTE: To use Intel SpeedStep technology, a Windows operating system must be running.