Users Guide

SRM Advanced Settings
SRM settings are accessed by selecting Sites from the SRM, selecting a specic site, the Manage tab, and then the Advanced
Settings button (see Figure 6). You can select the settings group to edit.
Figure 6. SRM Advanced Settings
Dell recommends the following changes for proper SRA operation:
storage.commandTimeout = 900
storageProvider.hostRescanRepeatCnt = 2
storageProvider.hostRescanTimeoutSec = 900
The following are recommended based on your environment:
storageProvider.xRecoveredDatastoreNames = true
Additionally, Dell recommends the following changes for ESX/ESXi host settings:
Disk.MaxLUN = Set this value slightly higher than the number of LUNs mapped to the ESX host. This setting provides faster
rescan operations by not scanning all 256 LUN possibilities.
Disk.UseDeviceReset = 0 and Disk.UseLunReset = 1 (These two settings used together indicate how device resets are