CLI Guide
Parameter Description
percentage. Define the threshold by percentage
(%) of the capacity remaining.
The settings for automatic resynchronization
between the primary virtual disks and the
secondary virtual disks of a remote replicated pair
within a remote replication group. This parameter
has these values:
• enabled—Automatic resynchronization is
turned on. You do not need to do anything
further to resynchronize the primary virtual disk
and the secondary virtual disk.
• disabled—Automatic resynchronization is
turned off. To resynchronize the primary virtual
disk and the secondary virtual disk, you must
run the
resume remoteReplicationGroup
• The Remote Replication premium feature must be enabled and activated on the local and remote
storage arrays that will be used for replication activities.
• You can use any combination of alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores for the names.
Names can have a maximum of 30 characters.
• The local and remote storage arrays must be connected through a Fibre Channel fabric or iSCSI
• Passwords are stored on each storage array in a management domain. If a password was not
previously set, you do not need a password. The password can be any combination of a alphanumeric
characters with a maximum of 30 characters. (You can define a storage array password by using the
set storageArray command.)
• Depending on your configuration, there is a maximum number of remote replication groups you can
create on a storage array.
• Remote replication groups are created empty and replicated pairs are added to them later on. Only
replicated pairs can be added to a remote replication group. Each replicated pair is associated with
exactly one remote replication group.
• The Remote Replication process is initiated at a defined synchronization interval. Periodic point-in-
time images are replicated as only the changed data is copied and not the entire virtual disk.
Create Snapshot Group
This command creates a new snapshot group and the associated repository virtual disk. A snapshot group
contains a sequence of snapshot images of an associated base virtual disk. A snapshot group has a
repository virtual disk that is used to save data for all of the snapshot images that are part of the snapshot
create snapGroup userLabel="snapGroupName" sourceVirtualDisk="virtualDiskName"
[(repositoryVirtualDisk="repos_xxxx" | repositoryVirtualDisk=(diskGroupName
[capacity=capacityValue]) | repositoryVirtualDisk=(diskPoolName