Instruction Manual

Email Alerts
The Email Alerts pane displays the current number of email notification recipients configured for the DR Series system.
The Email Alerts pane title acts as a link to the Email Alerts page:
This page lists all currently configured recipient email addresses. The Email Alerts page provides Add, Edit, Delete,
and Send Test Message options. To create an email recipient, click Add to display the Add Recipient Email Address
dialog. In Email Address enter a valid email address for your email system and click Submit. To edit or delete an
existing email recipient, click Select to identify the email recipient in which you wish to modify, delete, or send a test
Admin Contact Info
The Admin Contact Info pane displays the current information associated with the administrator configured for the DR
Series system. The current information is contained in the Contact Information and Notification panes. The Contact
Information pan includes the Contact Information, Company Name, Email, Work Phone, and Comments categories. The
Notification pane displays the status of the DR Series system appliance alerts and system software updates (disabled or
enabled). The Admin Contact Info pane title acts as a link to the Administrator Contact Information page:
This page contains contact information for the DR Series system administrator and is sent with all system alert email
messages. The Administrator Contact Information page provides the Add Contact Information option (which after
you configure it, this option changes to Edit Contact Information). Click the Edit Contact Information option to display
the Edit Administrator Contact Information dialog where you can enter information or select a check box:
Administrator Name
Company Name
Work Phone
Notify me of [DR Series] appliance alerts
Notify me of [DR Series] software updates
Notify me of [DR Series] daily container stats reports
The Password Management pane displays the current Reset Password Option set for the system. The Reset Password
Option can be:
Service Tag Only
Service Tag and Administrator Email
NOTE: To select the option Service Tag and Administrator Email, you must first configure the e-mail relay host
and administrator contact e-mail.
In the Password Management pane you can edit the current password and edit the password reset options.
Email Relay Host
The Email Relay Host pane displays the current email relay host configured for the DR Series system. The Email Relay
Host pane title acts as a link to the Email Relay Host page:
This page lists the configured email relay host by its IP address or hostname that is responsible for email in the DR
Series system. The Email Relay Host page provides the Add Relay Host option (which after you configure it, this
option changes to Edit Relay Host).