Instruction Manual

Images Restored
Bytes Restored
Image Restore Errors
Image Ingest Errors
Bytes Ingested
Bytes Transferred
Network Savings (in percentage)
For more information, see Monitoring Container Statistics.
Replication Statistics Page
To display the Replication Statistics page, click Dashboard Replication Statistics. This page lets you view and monitor
statistics for replication containers or peer DR Series systems that you select, and consists of two main panes:
Replication Filter—Lets you select all, one, or multiple replication containers, one or more peer systems, and
configure a variety of statistics types to display in the Replication Statistics summary table.
Replication Statistics—Contains a summary table that displays the filtered results of the replication statistics from
the Replication Filter pane for the container or peer system choices you made. The summary table displays the
category of statistics based on the check boxes you selected.
NOTE: The DR Series system software includes version checking that limits replication only between other DR
Series systems that run the same system software release version. If versions are incompatible, the administrator
will be notified by an event.
For more information, see Monitoring Replication Statistics, Displaying Replication Statistics, and Displaying the
Replication Statistics Page.
Container Filter
The Replication Filter pane in the Replication Statistics page contains the following components:
Container Filter:
All (selecting this option lets you select all replication containers in the system)
Name (selecting this option and drop-down list lets you select replication containers)
Peer System (selecting this option and list box let you select peer DR Series systems)
Headers (selecting the following check boxes let you filter for specific replication statistic types)
Peer Status
Replication Status
Time to Sync
Progress % (percentage)
Replication Throughput
Network Throughput
Network Savings
Last Time in Sync
Peer Container
Peer System
NOTE: The DR Series system polls for statistics every 30 seconds.
After you have configured the Replication Filter settings, click Apply Filter to display the filtered set of replication
statistics in the Replication Filter summary table. The Replication filter summary table lists the replication statistics that