User`s guide

Script Commands 123
NOTE: You can use any combination of alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and
underscores for the names. Command names can have a maximum of 30
characters. If you exceed the maximum character limit, replace square brackets
([ ]) with angle brackets (< >) to overcome this limitation.
-c create host userLabel= \"job2900\";"
Create Host Group
This command creates a new host group.
NOTE: A host group is an optional topological element that you can define to
designate a collection of hosts that share access to the same virtual disks. The host
group is a logical entity. Define a host group only if you have two or more hosts that
can share access to the same virtual disks.
create hostGroup userLabel="
hostGroup Name of the host group in which to create
a new host. You must put quotation
marks (" ") around the host group name.
(If a host group does not exist, you can
create a new host group by using the
create hostGroup command.)
NOTE: A host group is an optional
topological element defined to designate a
collection of hosts that share access to the
same virtual disks. The host group is a
logical entity. Define a host group only if you
have two or more hosts that share access to
the same virtual disks. If you do not specify a
host group in which to place the host you are
creating, the newly defined host belongs to
the default host group.
Parameter Description