Users Guide

Therefore, in this example, scheduling trac to priority group 1 (mapped to one strict-priority queue) takes precedence over scheduling
trac to priority group 3 (mapped to two strict-priority queues).
Using ETS to Manage Converged Ethernet Trac
To use ETS for managing converged Ethernet trac, use the following command:
dcb-map stack-unit all dcb-map-name
Applying DCB Policies in a Switch Stack
You can apply DCB policies with PFC and ETS congurations to all stacked ports in a switch stack or on a stacked switch.
To apply DCB policies in a switch stack, follow this step.
Apply the specied DCB policy on all ports of the switch stack or a single stacked switch.
dcb-map {stack-unit all | stack-ports all} dcb-map-name
Congure a DCBx Operation
DCB devices use data center bridging exchange protocol (DCBx) to exchange conguration information with directly connected peers
using the link layer discovery protocol (LLDP) protocol.
DCBx can detect the misconguration of a peer DCB device, and optionally, congure peer DCB devices with DCB feature settings to
ensure consistent operation in a data center network.
DCBx is a prerequisite for using DCB features, such as priority-based ow control (PFC) and enhanced trac selection (ETS), to exchange
link-level congurations in a converged Ethernet environment. DCBx is also deployed in topologies that support lossless operation for FCoE
trac. In these scenarios, all network devices are DCBx-enabled (DCBx is enabled end-to-end). For more information about how these
features are implemented and used, refer to:
Congure Enhanced Transmission Selection
DCBx supports the following versions: CEE and IEEE2.5.
Prerequisite: For DCBx, enable LLDP on all DCB devices.
DCBx Operation
DCBx performs the following operations:
Discovers DCB conguration (such as PFC and ETS) in a peer device.
Detects DCB mis-conguration in a peer device; that is, when DCB features are not compatibly congured on a peer device and the
local switch. Mis-conguration detection is feature-specic because some DCB features support asymmetric conguration.
Recongures a peer device with the DCB conguration from its conguration source if the peer device is willing to accept
Accepts the DCB conguration from a peer if a DCBx port is in “willing” mode to accept a peer’s DCB settings and then internally
propagates the received DCB conguration to its peer ports.
Data Center Bridging (DCB)