Users Guide
Therefore, in this example, scheduling trac to priority group 1 (mapped to one strict-priority queue) takes precedence over scheduling
trac to priority group 3 (mapped to two strict-priority queues).
Using ETS to Manage Converged Ethernet Trac
To use ETS for managing converged Ethernet trac, use the following command:
dcb-map stack-unit all dcb-map-name
Applying DCB Policies in a Switch Stack
You can apply DCB policies with PFC and ETS congurations to all stacked ports in a switch stack or on a stacked switch.
To apply DCB policies in a switch stack, follow this step.
• Apply the specied DCB policy on all ports of the switch stack or a single stacked switch.
dcb-map {stack-unit all | stack-ports all} dcb-map-name
Congure a DCBx Operation
DCB devices use data center bridging exchange protocol (DCBx) to exchange conguration information with directly connected peers
using the link layer discovery protocol (LLDP) protocol.
DCBx can detect the misconguration of a peer DCB device, and optionally, congure peer DCB devices with DCB feature settings to
ensure consistent operation in a data center network.
DCBx is a prerequisite for using DCB features, such as priority-based ow control (PFC) and enhanced trac selection (ETS), to exchange
link-level congurations in a converged Ethernet environment. DCBx is also deployed in topologies that support lossless operation for FCoE
trac. In these scenarios, all network devices are DCBx-enabled (DCBx is enabled end-to-end). For more information about how these
features are implemented and used, refer to:
• Congure Enhanced Transmission Selection
DCBx supports the following versions: CEE and IEEE2.5.
Prerequisite: For DCBx, enable LLDP on all DCB devices.
DCBx Operation
DCBx performs the following operations:
• Discovers DCB conguration (such as PFC and ETS) in a peer device.
• Detects DCB mis-conguration in a peer device; that is, when DCB features are not compatibly congured on a peer device and the
local switch. Mis-conguration detection is feature-specic because some DCB features support asymmetric conguration.
• Recongures a peer device with the DCB conguration from its conguration source if the peer device is willing to accept
• Accepts the DCB conguration from a peer if a DCBx port is in “willing” mode to accept a peer’s DCB settings and then internally
propagates the received DCB conguration to its peer ports.
Data Center Bridging (DCB)