Users Guide

Table Of Contents
snmp-server host {ipv4address | ipv6address} {informs version version-number | traps
version version-number | version version-number} [snmpv3-security-level] [community-name]
[udp-port port-number] [dom | entity | envmon | lldp | snmp]
Configure SNMP v1 or v2C traps
OS10(config)# snmp-server host traps version 2c comm2c lldp snmp
Configure SNMP v3 traps
OS10(config)# snmp-server group Group3 3 priv notify NOTIFY
OS10(config)# snmp-server user User3 Group3 3 auth md5 testpasswd priv aes testprivpasswd
OS10(config)# snmp-server host version 3 priv User3
Configure SNMP informs
The SNMP agent sends notification of events to and receives an acknowledgment from the network management station
(NMS), also called as the remote SNMP server. Such notifications that receive an SNMP response from the NMS are called
informs. Informs are more reliable than traps. If an SNMP agent does not receive an acknowledgment, it resends the inform, up
to a maximum of three retries.
Configure the engine ID of the remote SNMP server to receive an acknowledgment.
snmp-server host {ipv4address | ipv6address} {informs version version-number | traps
version version-number | version version-number} [snmpv3-security-level] [community-name]
[udp-port port-number] [dom | entity | envmon | lldp | snmp]
Configure SNMP v3 informs
OS10(config)# snmp-server group Group3 3 priv notify NOTIFY
OS10(config)# snmp-server engineID remote 0x80000232334abc34d
OS10(config)# snmp-server user rem-user Group3 remote udp-port 162 3 auth md5
testpasswd priv des testprivpasswd
OS10(config)# snmp-server host informs version 3 priv rem-user
SNMP source interface
Using the SNMP source interface feature, you can define the IP address for SNMP packets that are sent to a remote
system. You can associate the IP address of the configured source interface for SNMP transmitted packets. Dell Technologies
recommends that you can use the loopback interface as the SNMP source interface because it is always available. You can
associate all management traffic (if required) to one address. This address does not change regardless of the egress interface
that is used for system egress SNMP traffic.
Use the following command to associate all management traffic to one address:
OS10(config)# snmp-server source-interface {loopback interface# | mgmt 1/1/1}
The snmp-server source-interface command identifies the source IP address that will be used to transmit the trap and
inform packets between the SNMP source and the specified interface. If an IP address is configured or changed in the specified
source interface, then the new IP address is used for the SNMP trap and inform packets. If no IP address is configured on the
interface, then the SNMP trap and inform packets use the IP address of the egress interface where it transmits the packets
until an IP address is setup on the associated interface.
NOTE: SNMP source interface does not work with management interface for MX platform.
SNMP commands
show snmp community
Displays the SNMP communities configured on the switch.
show snmp community
System management 157