API Guide

如果您指定 cert-file 选项系统会提示您以交互方式输入证书的其他参数值例如
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated in your
certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank.
For some fields there will be a default value; if you enter '.', the field will be left
Country Name (2 letter code) [US]:
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:California
Locality Name (eg, city) []:San Francisco
Organization Name (eg, company) []:Starfleet Command
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:NCC-1701A
Common Name (eg, YOUR name) [hostname]:S4148-001
Email Address []:scotty@starfleet.com
交换机使用 SHA-256 作为摘要算法。公钥算法是具有 2048 位模数的 RSA
: 将自签名 509v3 证书与 Syslog RADIUS 服务器配合使用时请将服务器配置为接受自签名证书。系统日志和 RADIUS
服务器需要相互身份验证这意味着客户端和服务器必须验证彼此的证书。Dell EMC Networking 建议将 CA 服务器配置为为
EXEC 模式下安装自签名证书和密钥文件。
crypto cert install cert-file home://cert-filename key-file {key-path | private}
[password passphrase] [fips]
cert-file cert-path 指定已下载证书的源位置例如home://s4048-001-cert.pem usb://s4048-001-
key-file {key-path | private} 指定用于检索下载或本地生成的私钥的本地路径。输入 private 以从本地隐藏位置
password passphrase 指定在使用密码生成私钥时用于解密私钥的密码。
fips 将以与 FIPS 兼容的方式安装证书密钥对。输入 fips 以安装 FIPS 感知应用程序 RADIUS over TLS使用的证书密
钥对。如果不输入 fips则证书密钥对将存储为非 FIPS 兼容的对。
: 您可以决定证书密钥对是否以与 FIPS 兼容的方式生成。请勿在 FIPS 模式以外使用 FIPS 兼容的证书密钥对。
如果在 crypto cert generate request 命令中使用 key-file private 选项后输入 fips FIPS 兼容的私钥将存
如果证书安装成功将显示自签名证书及其公用名的文件名。使用文件名在安全配置文件中使用 crypto security-profile
OS10# crypto cert generate self-signed cert-file home://DellHost.pem key-file home://
DellHost.key email admin@dell.com length 1024 altname DNS:dell.domain.com validity 365
Processing certificate ...
Successfully created certificate file /home/admin/DellHost.pem and key
OS10# crypto cert install cert-file home://DellHost.pem key-file home://DellHost.key
Processing certificate ...
Certificate and keys were successfully installed as "DellHost.pem" that may be used in a
security profile. CN = DellHost.
OS10# show crypto cert
| Installed non-FIPS certificates |