Concept Guide

no negotiation auto
If the speed was set to 1000, do not disable auto-negotiation.
8 Verify conguration changes.
show config
Example of the show interfaces status Command to View Link Status
NOTE: The show interfaces status command displays link status, but not administrative status. For both link and
administrative status, use the show ip interface command.
DellEMC#show interfaces status
Port Description Status Speed Duplex Vlan
Te 1/1 Down 1000 Mbit Auto 1
Te 1/2 Down Auto Auto 1
Te 1/3 Down Auto Auto --
Te 1/4 Force10Port Up 1000 Mbit Auto 30-130
Te 1/5 Down Auto Auto --
Te 1/6 Down Auto Auto --
Te 1/7 Up 1000 Mbit Auto 1502,1504,1506-1508,1602
Te 1/8 Down Auto Auto --
Te 1/9 Down Auto Auto --
Te 1/10 Down Auto Auto --
Te 1/11 Down Auto Auto --
Te 1/12 Down Auto Auto --
[output omitted]
In the previous example, several ports display “Auto” in the Speed eld. In the following example, the speed of port 1/1 is set to 100Mb and
then its auto-negotiation is disabled.
DellEMC(config)#interface tengig 1/1
DellEMC(conf-if-te-1/1)#speed 100
DellEMC(conf-if-te-1/1)#duplex full
DellEMC(conf-if-te-1/1)#no negotiation auto
DellEMC(conf-if-te-1/1)#show config
interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/1
no ip address
speed 100
duplex full
no shutdown
Set Auto-Negotiation Options
The negotiation auto command provides a mode option for conguring an individual port to forced master/ forced slave once auto-
negotiation is enabled.
: Ensure that only one end of the node is congured as forced-master and the other is congured as forced-slave. If
both are congured the same (that is, both as forced-master or both as forced-slave), the show interface command aps
between an auto-neg-error and forced-master/slave states.
Example of the negotiation auto Command
DellEMC(conf)# int tengigabitethernet 1/1
DellEMC(conf-if-te-1/1)#neg auto
DellEMC(conf-if-te-1/1-autoneg)# ?
end Exit from configuration mode
exit Exit from autoneg configuration mode