Users Guide
Configure multi-hop FSB
The following example shows a simple multi-hop FSB setup. CNA-2 and CNA-3 shown in this topology are for illustrative
purposes only. The following example does not include CNA-2 and CNA-3 configurations.
Ensure that the access and core FSB switches are running in FSB mode.
To configure multi-hop FSB:
1. Configure the L2 switch.
a. Disable flow control on the interfaces connected to CNA-4 and FSB1.
L2switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/1/32
L2switch(conf-if-eth1/1/32)# no flowcontrol receive
L2switch(conf-if-eth1/1/32)# no flowcontrol transmit
L2switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/1/5
L2switch(conf-if-eth1/1/5)# no flowcontrol receive
L2switch(conf-if-eth1/1/5)# no flowcontrol transmit
b. Enable DCBX.
L2switch(config)# dcbx enable
c. Create a VLAN for FCoE traffic to pass through.
L2switch(config)# interface vlan 777
d. Create class-maps.
L2switch(config)# class-map type network-qos c3
L2switch(config-cmap-nqos)# match qos-group 3
L2switch(config)# class-map type queuing q0
L2switch(config-cmap-queuing)# match queue 0
L2switch(config-cmap-queuing)# exit
L2switch(config)# class-map type queuing q3
L2switch(config-cmap-queuing)# match queue 3
L2switch(config-cmap-queuing)# exit
e. Create policy-maps.
L2switch# configure terminal
L2switch(config)# policy-map type network-qos nqpolicy
Fibre Channel