Users Guide

Switch-1 configuration
1. Enable the multiswitch feature globally.
OS10(config)# feature fc multi-switch
2. Create a vFabric VLAN.
OS10(config)# interface vlan 1001
3. Create vFabric.
OS10(config)# vfabric 1
The recommended configuration is to configure the same VLAN and fcmap values on all the switches. vFabric ID
is of local significance, and hence the vFabric can have different values on different switches.
4. Create a port group.
OS10(config)# port-group 1/1/1
OS10(conf-pg-1/1/1)# no mode
OS10(conf-pg-1/1/1)# mode FC 8g-4x
5. Configure FC interface.
OS10(config)# interface fibrechannel 1/1/1
OS10(conf-if-fc1/1/1)# no shutdown
OS10(conf-if-fc1/1/1)# vfabric 1
OS10(conf-if-fc1/1/1)# exit
OS10(config)# interface fibrechannel 1/1/2
OS10(conf-if-fc1/1/2)# no shutdown
OS10(conf-if-fc1/1/2)# vfabric 1
6. Configure the FC switch port mode.
OS10(conf-if-fc1/1/2)# fc port-mode E
7. Add VLAN 1001 and fcmap to switch-1 to activate vFabric.
OS10(config)# vfabric 1
OS10(conf-vfabric-1)# vlan 1001
OS10(conf-vfabric-1)# fcoe fcmap 0xefc00
OS10(conf-vfabric-1)# exit
8. Create zones.
OS10(config)# fc zone zoneA
OS10(config-fc-zone-zoneA)# member wwn 20:01:f4:e9:d4:f9:fc:44
OS10(config-fc-zone-zoneA)# member wwn 20:02:00:11:0d:a5:56:01
Fibre Channel