Administrator Guide

VLAN tagged or untagged status
Layer 2 priority
DSCP value
An integer represents the application type (the Type integer shown in the following table), which indicates a device function for which a
unique network policy is dened. An individual LLDP-MED network policy TLV is generated for each application type that you specify with
the Dell Networking OS CLI (Advertising TLVs).
NOTE: As shown in the following table, signaling is a series of control packets that are exchanged between an endpoint device
and a network connectivity device to establish and maintain a connection. These signal packets might require a dierent network
policy than the media packets for which a connection is made. In this case, congure the signaling application.
Table 55. Network Policy Applications
Type Application Description
0 Reserved
1 Voice Specify this application type for dedicated IP telephony handsets
and other appliances supporting interactive voice services.
2 Voice Signaling Specify this application type only if voice control packets use a
separate network policy than voice data.
3 Guest Voice Specify this application type for a separate limited voice service
for guest users with their own IP telephony handsets and other
appliances supporting interactive voice services.
4 Guest Voice Signaling Specify this application type only if guest voice control packets
use a separate network policy than voice data.
5 Softphone Voice Specify this application type only if guest voice control packets
use a separate network policy than voice data.
6 Video Conferencing Specify this application type for dedicated video conferencing
and other similar appliances supporting real-time interactive
7 Streaming Video Specify this application type for dedicated video conferencing
and other similar appliances supporting real-time interactive
8 Video Signaling Specify this application type only if video control packets use a
separate network policy than video data.
9–255 Reserved
Figure 78. LLDP-MED Policies TLV
Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)