Users Guide

Ineffective PBR Exception due to Low Sequence Number.
ip redirect-list rcl0
seq 5 redirect ip any any
seq 10 permit ip host any
To ensure that the permit permit statement or PBR exception is effective, use a lower sequence number, as shown below:
ip redirect-list rcl0
seq 10 permit ip host any
seq 15 redirect ip any any
Create a Redirect List
To create a redirect list, use the following commands.
Create a redirect list by entering the list name.
ip redirect-list redirect-list-name
redirect-list-name: 16 characters.
To delete the redirect list, use the no ip redirect-list command.
The following example creates a redirect list by the name of xyz.
Dell(conf)#ip redirect-list ?
WORD Redirect-list name (max 16 chars)
Dell(conf)#ip redirect-list xyz
Create a Rule for a Redirect-list
To set the rules for the redirect list, use the following command. You can enter the command multiple times and create a sequence of
redirect rules. Use the seq nn redirect version of the command to organize your rules.
Configure a rule for the redirect list.
seq {number} redirect {ip-address | tunnel tunnel-id} [track <obj-id>}{ip-protocol-number |
protocol-type [bit]} {source mask | any | host ip-address}{destination mask | any | host ip-
number is the number in sequence to initiate this rule
ip-address is the Forwarding router’s address
tunnel is used to configure the tunnel settings
tunnel-id is used to redirect the traffic
track <obj-id> is used to track the object-id
track is to enable the tracking
FORMAT: slot/port
ip-protocol-number or protocol-type is the type of protocol to be redirected
FORMAT: 0-255 for IP protocol number, or enter protocol type
source ip-address or any or host ip-address is the Source’s IP address
FORMAT: A.B.C.D/NN, or ANY or HOST IP address
destination ip-address or any or host ip-address is the Destination’s IP address
FORMAT: A.B.C.D/NN, or ANY or HOST IP address
To delete a rule, use the no redirect command.
The redirect rule supports Non-contiguous bitmasks for PBR in the Destination router IP address
The following example shows how to create a rule for a redirect list by configuring:
Policy-based Routing (PBR)