Reference Guide

management route
Congures an IPv4/IPv6 static route used by the Management port. Repeat the command to congure multiple management routes.
management route {ipv4-address/mask | ipv6-address/prefix-length} {forwarding-
router-address | managementethernet}
ipv4-address/mask — Enter an IPv4 network address in dotted-decimal format (A.B.C.D), then a subnet
mask in /prex-length format (/xx).
ipv6-address/prefix-length — Enter an IPv6 address in x:x:x:x::x format with the prex length in /x
format (prex range is /0 to /128).
forwarding-router-address — Enter the next-hop IPv4/IPv6 address of a forwarding router
(gateway) for network trac from the management port.
managementethernetCongure the Management port as the interface for the route; forces the route
to be associated with the management interface.
Default Not congured
Usage Information Management routes are separate from IP routes and are only used to manage the system through the
management port. To display the currently congured IPv4 and IPv6 management routes, enter the show ip
management-route and show ipv6 management-route commands. Warning: Avoid conguring an IPv4
or IPv6 address and a static route for the management interface that conict with an IPv4 or IPv6 address
and static route on a front-end port interface.
Example (IPv4)
OS10(config)# management route
OS10(config)# management route managementethernet
Example (IPv6)
OS10(config)# management route 10::/64 10::1
Supported Releases 10.2.2E or later
Moves or renames a le on the cong or home system directories.
move [config: | home: | usb:]
config: — Move from conguration directory (config://filepath).
home: — Move from home directory (home://filepath).
usb: — Move from USB le system (usb://filepath).
Default Not congured
Command Mode EXEC
Usage Information Use the dir config command to view the directory contents.
OS10# move config://startup.xml config://startup-backup.xml
Example (dir)
OS10# dir config
Getting Started 49