Reference Guide
management route
Congures an IPv4/IPv6 static route used by the Management port. Repeat the command to congure multiple management routes.
management route {ipv4-address/mask | ipv6-address/prefix-length} {forwarding-
router-address | managementethernet}
• ipv4-address/mask — Enter an IPv4 network address in dotted-decimal format (A.B.C.D), then a subnet
mask in /prex-length format (/xx).
• ipv6-address/prefix-length — Enter an IPv6 address in x:x:x:x::x format with the prex length in /x
format (prex range is /0 to /128).
forwarding-router-address — Enter the next-hop IPv4/IPv6 address of a forwarding router
(gateway) for network trac from the management port.
• managementethernet — Congure the Management port as the interface for the route; forces the route
to be associated with the management interface.
Default Not congured
Usage Information Management routes are separate from IP routes and are only used to manage the system through the
management port. To display the currently congured IPv4 and IPv6 management routes, enter the show ip
management-route and show ipv6 management-route commands. Warning: Avoid conguring an IPv4
or IPv6 address and a static route for the management interface that conict with an IPv4 or IPv6 address
and static route on a front-end port interface.
Example (IPv4)
OS10(config)# management route
OS10(config)# management route managementethernet
Example (IPv6)
OS10(config)# management route 10::/64 10::1
Supported Releases 10.2.2E or later
Moves or renames a le on the cong or home system directories.
move [config: | home: | usb:]
• config: — Move from conguration directory (config://filepath).
• home: — Move from home directory (home://filepath).
• usb: — Move from USB le system (usb://filepath).
Default Not congured
Command Mode EXEC
Usage Information Use the dir config command to view the directory contents.
OS10# move config://startup.xml config://startup-backup.xml
Example (dir)
OS10# dir config
Getting Started 49