Reference Guide
Policy-based rate-policing
You can congure trac rate-limiting in packets per second (pps) for a QoS input policy, and a rate policing value in kilobits per second
(kbps) or pps. Committed rate guarantees bandwidth for trac entering or leaving the interface under normal network conditions.
When trac propagates at an average rate that is greater than or equal to the committed rate and less than peak-rate, it is green colored
or coded. The trac rate above the congured peak-rate is dropped to guarantee a bandwidth limit for an ingress trac ow.
For a system that does not have ingress buers, OS10 performs rate-limiting on the incoming trac stream. The trac rate above the
congured committed rate is tail dropped (which means if the queue is full the packets are dropped) to guarantee a xed bandwidth for an
ingress trac ow.
When the transmitted trac falls below the committed rate, the unused bandwidth aggregates to a maximum, this forms the committed
burst size. Trac is green-coded up to the point it does not exceed the committed burst size.
Peak rate is the maximum rate for trac arriving or exiting an interface under normal trac conditions. Peak burst size indicates the
maximum size of unused peak bandwidth that is aggregated. This aggregated bandwidth enables brief durations of burst trac that
exceeds the peak rate.
1 Create the policy-map type as qos and congure a name for the policy-map in CONFIGURATION mode.
policy-map type qos policy-map-name
2 Enter a class name to apply the shape rate in POLICY-MAP mode.
class class-map-name
3 Congure trac policing on incoming trac in POLICY-MAP-CLASS-MAP mode.
police {cir committed-rate [bc committed-burst-size]} {pir peak-rate [be peak-burst-size]}
• cir committed-rate—Enter a committed rate value in kilobits per second (kbps) (0 to 40000000).
• bc committed-burst-size—(Optional) Enter a committed burst size in packets for control plane and kbps (16 to 200000,
default 200).
• pir peak-rate—Enter a peak-rate value in kbps (0 to 40000000).
• be peak-burst-size—(Optional) Enter a peak burst size in kbps (16 to 200000, default 200).
4 (Optional) Congure trac policing for a specic queue in POLICY-MAP-CLASS-MAP mode. Queue number range is from 0 to 7 for
qos policy map and 0 to 11 for control-plane policy map.
set qos-group queue-number
Congure policy-based rate policy
OS10(config)# policy-map type qos galaxy
OS10(conf-pmap-qos)# class bigbang
OS10(conf-pmap-c-qos)# police cir 5 bc 30 pir 20 be 40
Congure rate policing on specic queue
OS10(config)# policy-map bronze
OS10(conf-pmap-qos)# class silver
OS10(conf-pmap-c-qos)# set qos-group 7
OS10(conf-pmap-c-qos)# police cir 5 pir 30
View policy-map
OS10(conf-pmap-c-qos)# do show policy-map
Service-policy (qos) input: galaxy
Class-map (qos): bigbang
police cir 5 bc 30 pir 20 be 40
Service-policy (qos) input: bronze
Class-map (qos): silver
police cir 5 bc 100 pir 30 be 100
Quality of service