Reference Guide
Default Not congured
Command Mode EXEC
Usage Information None
OS10# show hash-algorithm
EcmpAlgo - crc LabAlgo - xor
Supported Releases 10.3.0E or later
IPv4 routing
OS10 supports IPv4 addressing including variable-length subnetting mask (VLSM), address resolution protocol (ARP), static routing, and
routing protocols. With VLSM, you can congure one network with dierent masks. You can also use supernetting, which increases the
number of subnets. You can add a mask to the IP address to separate the network and host portions of the IP address to add a subnet.
You need to congure IPv4 routing for IP hosts to communicate with one another in the same network, or in dierent networks.
Assign interface IP address
You can assign primary and secondary IP addresses to a physical or logical interface to enable IP communication between the system and
hosts connected to a specic interface. Assign one primary address and secondary IP addresses to each interface. By default, all ports are
in the default VLAN—VLAN 1.
1 Enter the interface type information to assign an IP address in CONFIGURATION mode.
interface interface
• ethernet—Physical interface
• port-channel—Port-channel ID number
• vlan—VLAN ID number
• loopback—Loopback interface ID
• mgmt—Management interface
2 Enable the interface in INTERFACE mode.
no shutdown
3 Remove the interface from the default VLAN in INTERFACE mode.
no switchport
4 Congure a primary IP address and mask on the interface in INTERFACE mode.
ip address ip-address mask [secondary]
• ip-address mask—Enter the IP address in dotted decimal format—A.B.C.D. and mask in slash prex-length format (/24).
secondary—Enter a secondary backup IP address for the interface.
Assign interface IP address to interface
OS10(config)# interface ethernet 1/1/1
OS10(conf-if-eth1/1/4)# no shutdown
OS10(conf-if-eth1/1/4)# no switchport
OS10(conf-if-eth1/1/4)# ip address
View interface conguration
OS10# show interface ethernet 1/1/1
Ethernet 1/1/1 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is Dell EMC Eth, address is 00:0c:29:98:1b:79
Current address is 00:0c:29:98:1b:79
Pluggable media present, QSFP-PLUS type is QSFP_40GBASE_CR4_1M
Layer 3