Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Executes a series of commands in a batch le using non-interactive processing.
batch /home/username/filename
username — Enter the user name that was used to copy the command le.
filename — Enter the name of a batch command le.
Default Not congured
Command Mode EXEC
Usage Information Use this command to create a batch command le on a remote machine. Copy the command le to the home
directory on your switch. This command executes commands in batch mode. OS10 automatically commits all
commands in a batch le; you do not have to enter the commit command. To display the les stored in the home
directory, enter dir home. To view the les stored in the home directory, use the dir home command.
batch /home/admin/b.cmd
Jun 26 18:29:12 OS10 dn_l3_core_services[723]: Node.1-Unit.1:PRI:notice
%Dell EMC (OS10) %log-notice:IP_ADDRESS_ADD: IP Address add is successful.
IP in VRF:default added successfully
Supported Releases 10.2.0E or later
Linux shell commands
From the Linux shell, you can run a single command or a series of commands in a batch le.
Linux command examples
Use the -c option to run a single command.
admin@OS10:/opt/dell/os10/bin$ clish -c "show version"
New user admin logged in at session 10
Dell EMC Networking OS10 Enterprise
Copyright (c) 1999-2019 by Dell Inc. All Rights Reserved.
OS Version:
Build Version:
Build Time: 2019-07-29T23:35:01+0000
System Type: S4148F-ON
Architecture: x86_64
Up Time: 1 day 00:54:13
User admin logged out at session 10
Use the -B option to run a batch le with a series of commands.
Create a batch le — for example, batch_cfg.txt — with a series of executable commands.
configure terminal
router bgp 100
remote-as 104
no shutdown
Advanced CLI tasks