Users Guide

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radius-server host
Congures a RADIUS server and the key used to authenticate the switch on the server.
radius-server host {hostname | ip-address} key {0 authentication-key | 9
authentication-key | authentication-key} [auth-port port-number]
hostname — Enter the host name of the RADIUS server.
ip-address — Enter the IPv4 (A.B.C.D) or IPv6 (x:x:x:x::x) address of the RADIUS server.
key 0 authentication-key — Enter an authentication key in plain text. A maximum of 42 characters.
key 9 authentication-key — Enter an authentication key in encrypted format. A maximum of 128
authentication-key — Enter an authentication in plain text. A maximum of 42 characters. It is not
necessary to enter 0 before the key.
auth-port port-number — (Optional) Enter the UDP port number used on the server for authentication,
from 0 to 65535, default 1812.
Default Not congured
Command Mode
Usage Information The authentication key must match the key congured on the RADIUS server. You cannot enter spaces in the key.
The show running-configuration output displays both unencrypted and encrypted keys in encrypted
format. Congure global settings for the timeout and retransmit attempts allowed on RADIUS servers using the
radius-server retransmit and radius-server timeout commands. The no version of this
command removes a RADIUS server conguration.
OS10(config)# radius-server host key secret1
Supported Releases 10.2.0E or later
radius-server host tls
Congures a RADIUS server for RADIUS over TLS user authentication and secure communication. For RADIUS over TLS authentication,
the radsec shared key and a security prole that uses an X.509v3 certicate are required.
radius-server host {hostname | ip-address} tls security-profile profile-name
[auth-port tcp-port-number] key {0 authentication-key | 9 authentication-key |
hostname — Enter the host name of the RADIUS server.
ip-address — Enter the IPv4 (A.B.C.D) or IPv6 (x:x:x:x::x) address of the RADIUS server.
tls — Enter tls to secure RADIUS server communication using the TLS protocol.
security-profile profile-name — Enter the name of an X.509v3 security prole to use with
RADIUS over TLS authentication. To congure a security prole for an OS10 application, see Security proles.
auth-port tcp-port-number — (Optional) Enter the TCP port number that the server uses for
authentication. The range is from 0 to 65535. The default is 2083.
key 0 authentication-key — Enter the radsec shared key in plain text.
key 9 authentication-key — Enter the radsec shared key in encrypted format.
Security 961