Users Guide

Table Of Contents
OS10(config-router-neighbor)# address-family l2vpn evpn
OS10(config-router-bgp-neighbor-af)# activate
OS10(config-router-bgp-neighbor-af)# allowas-in 1
OS10(config-router-bgp-neighbor-af)# exit
OS10(config-router-neighbor)# exit
OS10(config-router-bgp-100)# exit
12. Congure EVPN
Congure the EVPN instance manual conguration mode, and RD, and RT conguration in auto mode:
OS10(config)# evpn
OS10(config-evpn)# evi 10000
OS10(config-evpn-evi-10000)# vni 10000
OS10(config-evpn-evi-10000)# rd auto
OS10(config-evpn-evi-10000)# route-target auto
OS10(config-evpn-evi-10000)# exit
OS10(config-evpn)# evi 20000
OS10(config-evpn-evi-20000)# vni 20000
OS10(config-evpn-evi-20000)# rd auto
OS10(config-evpn-evi-20000)# route-target auto
OS10(config-evpn-evi-20000)# exit
OS10(config-evpn)# exit
13. Congure VLT
Congure a VLTi VLAN for the virtual network
OS10(config)# virtual-network 10000
OS10(config-vn-10000)# vlti-vlan 100
OS10(config-vn-10000)# exit
OS10(config)# virtual-network 20000
OS10(conf-vn-20000)# vlti-vlan 200
OS10(conf-vn-20000)# exit
Congure a dedicated L3 underlay path to reach the VLT Peer in case of a network failure
OS10(config)# interface vlan4000
OS10(config-if-vl-4000)# no shutdown
OS10(config-if-vl-4000)# ip address
OS10(config-if-vl-4000)# exit
Congure VLT port channels
OS10(config)# interface port-channel10
OS10(conf-if-po-10)# vlt-port-channel 10
OS10(conf-if-po-10)# exit
OS10(config)# interface port-channel20
OS10(conf-if-po-20)# vlt-port-channel 20
OS10(conf-if-po-20)# exit
Congure VLTi member links
OOS10(config)# interface ethernet1/1/3
OS10(conf-if-eth1/1/3)# no shutdown
OS10(conf-if-eth1/1/3)# no switchport
OS10(conf-if-eth1/1/3)# exit
OS10(config)# interface ethernet1/1/4
OS10(conf-if-eth1/1/4)# no shutdown
OS10(conf-if-eth1/1/4)# no switchport
OS10(conf-if-eth1/1/4)# exit