Users Guide

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The 4-octet ASN or number is 1 to 4294967295.
Congure the RT import and export values to automatically generate.
(Optional) Advertises a 4-byte AS number in RT values.
Default Not congured
Command mode EVPN-EVI
Usage information
A RT determines how EVPN routes distribute among EVPN instances. Congure each RT with an import and
export value. When the EVPN routes advertise, the RT export value congured for export attaches to each route.
The receiving VTEP compares a route export value with the local RT import value. If the values match, the routes
download and install on the VTEP.
For 2-byte autonomous systems, the RT auto-congures as Type 0 from the 2-byte AS and the 3-byte VNI—
Type encoded as 0x0002.
For 4-byte autonomous systems, the RT auto-congures as Type 2 from the 4-byte AS and the 2-byte EVI—
Type encoded as 0x0202.
OS10(config)# evpn
OS10(config-evpn)# evi 10
OS10(config-evpn-evi)# vni 10000
OS10(config-evpn-evi)# rd
OS10(config-evpn-evi)# route-target 1:3 both
Supported releases or later
show evpn evi
Displays the conguration settings of EVPN instances.
show evpn evi [id]
Parameters id — (Optional) Enter the EVPN instance ID, from 1 to 65535.
Default Not congured
Command mode EXEC
Usage information Use this command to verify EVPN instance status, associated VXLAN virtual networks and the RD and RT values
the BGP EVPN routes use in the EVI. The status of integrated routing and bridging (IRB) and the VRF used for
EVPN trac also display.
OS10# show evpn evi 101
EVI : 101, State : up
Bridge-Domain : Virtual-Network 101, VNI 101
Route-Distinguisher : 1:
Route-Targets : 0:101:268435556(auto) both
Inclusive Multicast :
IRB : Enabled(VRF: default)
Supported releases or later