Users Guide

Table Of Contents
key — Enter the text string used in the authentication type.
Default OSPFv3 area authentication is not congured.
Command Mode ROUTER-OSPFv3
Usage Information
Before you enable IPsec authentication for an OSPFv3 area, you must enable OSPFv3 globally on each router.
All OSPFv3 routers in the area must share the same authentication key to exchange information. Only a non-
encrypted key is supported. For MD5 authentication, the non-encrypted key must be 32 plain hex digits. For
SHA1 authentication, the non-encrypted key must be 40 hex digits. An encrypted key is not supported.
OS10(config-router-ospfv3-100)# area 1 authentication ipsec spi 400 md5
Supported Releases 10.4.0E(R1) or later
area encryption
Congures encryption for an OSPFv3 area.
area area-id encryption ipsec spi number esp encryption-type key
authentication-type key
area area-id — Enter an area ID as a number or IPv6 prex.
ipsec spi number — Enter a unique security policy index number, from 256 to 4294967295.
esp encryption-type — Enter the encryption algorithm used with ESP (3DES, DES, AES-CBC, or
NULL). For AES-CBC, only the AES-128 and AES-192 ciphers are supported.
key — Enter the text string used in the encryption algorithm.
authentication-type — Enter the encryption authentication MD5 or SHA1 algorithm to use.
key — Enter the text string used in the authentication algorithm.
Default OSPFv3 area encryption is not congured.
Command Mode ROUTER-OSPFv3
Usage Information
Before you enable IPsec encryption for an OSPFv3 area, you must enable OSPFv3 globally on each router.
When you congure encryption at the area level, both IPsec encryption and authentication are enabled. You
cannot congure encryption if you have already congured an IPsec area authentication using the area ospf
authentication ipsec command. To congure encryption, you must rst delete the authentication
All OSPFv3 routers in the area must share the same encryption key to decrypt information. Only a non-
encrypted key is supported. Required lengths of the non-encrypted key are: 3DES — 48 hex digits; DES — 16
hex digits; AES-CBC — 32 hex digits for AES-128 and 48 hex digits for AES-192.
All OSPFv3 routers in the area must share the same authentication key to exchange information. Only a non-
encrypted key is supported. For MD5 authentication, the non-encrypted key must be 32 plain hex digits. For
SHA1 authentication, the non-encrypted key must be 40 hex digits. An encrypted key is not supported.
OS10(config-router-ospfv3-100)# area 1 encryption ipsec spi 401 esp des
1234567812345678 md5
Supported Releases 10.4.0E(R1) or later
Layer 3 647