Users Guide

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Usage Information
This command applies only to STP-enabled ports. The command takes eect only when the BPDU guard is
congured on a port.
When the detect cause option is enabled, the port is shut down whenever there is a BPDU guard violation.
When the option is disabled, the port is not shut down but moved to BLOCKING state whenever there is a BPDU
guard violation. In this case, the port is operationally DOWN in spanning-tree mode and when the recovery timer
expires, the port is UP irrespective of the recovery cause conguration.
The no version of the command disables the detect cause option.
OS10(config)# errdisable detect cause bpduguard
Supported Releases or later
errdisable recovery cause bpduguard
Enables to recover the ports shut down due to BPDU Guard violation.
errdisable recovery cause bpduguard
Parameters None
Default Disabled
Usage Information
This command applies only to STP-enabled ports. The command takes eect only when BPDU guard is congured
on a port and errdisable detect cause bpduguardis enabled on the port.
When the recovery option is enabled, the port is brought up after the recovery timer expires.
When the recovery option is disabled, the port is shut down indenitely. You must manually bring up the port using
the shutdown and no shutdown commands.
The no version of the command disables the recovery option.
OS10(config)# errdisable recovery cause bpduguard
Supported Releases or later
errdisable recovery interval
Congures recovery interval timer to delay the recovery of ports when there is a BPDU Guard violation.
errdisable recovery interval interval-value
Parameters interval-value—Enter the time interval in seconds. The range is from 30 to 65535.
Default 300 seconds
Usage Information
This command applies only to STP-enabled ports. The command takes eect only when the BPDU guard is
congured on a port.
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