Users Guide

Table Of Contents
interface ethernet1/1/2
no ip address
interface ethernet1/1/3
no ip address
interface ethernet1/1/4
no ip address
View L3 interfaces
OS10# show ip interface brief
Interface Name IP-Address OK Method Status Protocol
Ethernet 1/1/1 unassigned NO unset up down
Ethernet 1/1/2 unassigned YES unset up up
Ethernet 1/1/3 YES manual up up
Ethernet 1/1/4 YES manual up up
Ethernet 1/1/5 unassigned NO unset up down
Ethernet 1/1/6 unassigned NO unset up down
Ethernet 1/1/7 unassigned NO unset up down
Ethernet 1/1/8 unassigned NO unset up down
Ethernet 1/1/9 unassigned NO unset up down
Ethernet 1/1/10 unassigned NO unset up down
Ethernet 1/1/11 unassigned NO unset up down
Ethernet 1/1/12 unassigned NO unset up down
Ethernet 1/1/13 unassigned NO unset up down
Ethernet 1/1/14 unassigned NO unset up down
Ethernet 1/1/15 unassigned NO unset up down
Ethernet 1/1/16 unassigned NO unset up down
Ethernet 1/1/17 unassigned NO unset up down
Ethernet 1/1/18 unassigned NO unset up down
Ethernet 1/1/19 unassigned NO unset up down
Ethernet 1/1/20 unassigned NO unset up down
Ethernet 1/1/21 unassigned NO unset up down
Ethernet 1/1/22 unassigned NO unset up down
Ethernet 1/1/23 unassigned NO unset up down
Ethernet 1/1/24 unassigned NO unset up down
Ethernet 1/1/25 unassigned NO unset up down
Ethernet 1/1/26 unassigned NO unset up down
Ethernet 1/1/27 unassigned NO unset up down
Ethernet 1/1/28 unassigned NO unset up down
Ethernet 1/1/29 unassigned NO unset up down
Ethernet 1/1/30 unassigned NO unset up down
Ethernet 1/1/31 unassigned NO unset up down
Ethernet 1/1/32 unassigned NO unset up down
Management 1/1/1 YES manual up up
Vlan 1 unassigned NO unset up down
Vlan 10 unassigned NO unset up down
Vlan 20 unassigned NO unset up down
Vlan 30 unassigned NO unset up down
View VLAN conguration
OS10# show vlan
Codes: * - Default VLAN, M - Management VLAN, R - Remote Port Mirroring VLANs,
@ – Attached to Virtual Network
Q: A - Access (Untagged), T - Tagged
NUM Status Description Q Ports
1 Inactive A Eth1/1/1,1/1/6-1/1/32
10 Inactive
20 Inactive
22 Inactive