Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Usage Information The DHCP server is supported only on L3 interfaces. After you congure an IP helper address, the address
forwards UDP broadcasts to the DHCP server. You can congure multiple helper addresses on an interface by
repeating the same command for each DHCP server address. The no version of this command returns the value to
the default.The client-facing and server-facing interfaces must be in the same VRF.
Example (IPv4)
OS10(config)# interface eth 1/1/22
OS10(conf-if-eth1/1/22)# ip helper-address vrf blue
Supported Releases 10.2.0E or later
ipv6 helper-address
Congures a DHCPv6 server address.
ipv6 helper-address ipv6-address [vrf vrf-name]
vrf vrf-name — (Optional) Enter the keyword vrf and then the name of the VRF through which the host
address can be reached.
ipv6–address — Specify the DHCPv6 server address in the A::B format.
Defaults Disabled
Command Mode INTERFACE
Usage Information Use this command on interfaces to which DHCPv6 clients connect, to forward the packets between IPv6 clients
and a DHCPv6 server. After you congure an IPv6 helper address, the address forwards UDP broadcasts from
IPv6 clients to the DHCPv6 server. You can congure multiple helper addresses on an interface by repeating the
same command for each DHCPv6 server address. The no version of this command deletes the IPv6 helper
OS10(config)# interface ethernet 1/1/22
OS10(conf-if-eth1/1/22)# ipv6 helper-address 2001:db8:0:1:1:1:1:1 vrf blue
Supported Releases or later
Congures a lease time for the IP addresses in a pool.
lease {infinite | days [hours] [minutes]}
infinite — Enter the keyword to congure a lease which never expires.
days — Enter the number of lease days, from 0 to 31.
hours — Enter the number of lease hours, from 0 to 23.
minutes — Enter the number of lease minutes, from 0 to 59.
Default 24 hours
Command Mode DHCP-POOL
Usage Information The no version of this command removes the lease conguration.
OS10(conf-dhcp-Dell)# lease 2 5 10
System management 189