Users Guide

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With a xed host conguration, also known as manual binding, you must congure a network pool with a matching subnet. The static host-
to-MAC address mapping pool inherits the network mask from the network pool with subnet conguration, which includes the host’s
address range.
In the following example, the pool host1, which is the xed host mapping pool, inherits the subnet and other attributes from the pool
hostnetwork, which is the DHCP client IP address pool. There is no matching network pool for host2. Therefore, the DHCP client with
the MAC address 00:0c:29:aa:22:f4 does not obtain the correct parameters.
OS10# show running-configuration interface ethernet 1/1/2
interface ethernet1/1/2
no shutdown
no switchport
ip address
flowcontrol receive off
OS10# show running-configuration ip dhcp
ip dhcp server
no disable
pool host1
hardware-address 00:0c:29:ee:4c:f4
pool hostnetwork
lease infinite
pool host2
hardware-address 00:0c:29:aa:22:f4
DHCP relay agent
A DHCP relay agent relays DHCP messages to and from a remote DHCP server, even if the client and server are on dierent IP networks.
You can congure the IP address of the remote DHCP server.
You can congure a device either as a DHCP server or a DHCP relay agent — but not both.
If routes are not leaked between VRFs, the DHCP relay agent supports multi-virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) instances. The client-
facing and server-facing interfaces must be in the same VRF.
The DHCPv6 relay agent performs the same role as that of a DHCP relay agent, but in an IPv6 network. The DHCP relay agent forwards
the DHCPv4/DHCPv6 messages from the congured interface to the DHCPv6 server as a unicast message. The DHCP relay agent then
forwards the server’s response to the client.
When you congure DHCPv6 relay on an interface, you must:
Congure an IPv6 address on the interface.
Ensure that the DHCPv6 server is reachable.
Option 82 for security
DHCP, as dened by RFC 2131, provides no authentication or security mechanisms. To provide security, the DHCP relay agent supports
Option-82 with the Circuit ID sub-option, which is the printable name of the interface where the client request was received.
System management