Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Source IP address
Congure one interface IP address to include in all NTP packets. The source address of NTP packets is the interface IP address the system
uses to reach the network by default.
Congure a source IP address for NTP packets in CONFIGURATION mode.
ntp source interface
ethernet node/slot/port[:subport] — Enter the Ethernet interface information.
port-channel channel-id — Enter the port-channel ID, from 1 to 128.
vlan vlan-id — Enter the VLAN ID number, from 1 to 4093.
loopback id — Enter the Loopback interface ID number, from 0 to 16383.
mgmt node/slot/port — Enter the physical port interface for the Management interface. The default is 1/1/1.
Congure the source IP address
OS10(config)# ntp source ethernet 1/1/10
View the source IP conguration
OS10(config)# do show running-configuration | grep source
ntp source ethernet1/1/1
NTP authentication and the corresponding trusted key provides a reliable exchange of NTP packets with trusted time sources. NTP
authentication begins with creating the rst NTP packet after the key conguration. NTP authentication uses the message digest 5 (MD5)
algorithm. The key is embedded in the synchronization packet that is sent to an NTP time source.
1 Enable NTP authentication in CONFIGURATION mode.
ntp authenticate
2 Set an authentication key number and key in CONFIGURATION mode, from 1 to 4294967295.
ntp authentication-key number md5 key
The number must match in the ntp trusted-key command.
The key is an encrypted string.
3 Dene a trusted key in CONFIGURATION mode, from 1 to 4294967295. This number must match the number in the ntp trusted-
key command.
ntp trusted-key number
4 Congure an NTP server in CONFIGURATION mode.
ntp server {hostname | ipv4-address | ipv6-address} [key keyid] [prefer]
hostname — Enter the keyword to see the IP address or host name of the remote device.
ipv4-address — Enter an IPv4 address in A.B.C.D format.
ipv6-address — Enter an IPv6 address in nnnn:nnnn:nnnn:nnnn:nnnn:nnnn:nnnn:nnnn format. Elision of zeros is supported.
key keyid — Enter a text string as the key exchanged between the NTP server and the client.
prefer — Enter the keyword to set this NTP server as the preferred server.
5 Congure the NTP master and enter the stratum number that identies the NTP server hierarchy in CONFIGURATION mode, from 2
to 10. The default is 8.
ntp master {2–10}
System management