Users Guide

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Continent/Country City UTC oset
Mountain −07:00
Pacic −08:00
Pacic-New −08:00
Samoa −11:00
UTC +00:00
WET +00:00
W-SU +03:00
Zulu +00:00
System Clock commands
clock set
Sets the system time.
clock set time year-month-day
time Enter time in the format hour:minute:second, where hour is 1 to 24; minute is 1
to 60; second is 1 to 60. For example, enter 5:15 PM as 17:15:00.
year-month-day Enter year-month-day in the format YYYY-MM-DD, where YYYY is a four-digit year,
such as 2016; MM is a month from 1 to 12; DD is a day from 1 to 31.
Default Not congured
Command Mode
Usage Information Use this command to reset the system time if the system clock is out of synch with the NTP time. The hardware-
based real-clock time (RTC) resets to the new time. The new system clock setting applies immediately.
OS10# clock set 18:30:10 2017-01-25
Supported Releases 10.2.1E or later
clock timezone
Congures the standard or user-dened time zone that OS10 applies on top of the system clock.
clock timezone {standard-timezone standard-timezone-name | {timezone-string
hours minutes}}
standard-timezone-name — Enter the standard time zone name that is supported in Linux. To view a list
of supported standard time zone names, see the Time zones and UTC oset reference section.
timezone-string — Enter the name of the time zone.
hours — Enter the hour oset from UTC, ranging from -23 to 23.
148 System management