Users Guide

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Last MFT Successful at : 2019-06-13 16:15:19
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Supported Releases 10.2.0E or later
Congures the source interface to establish outgoing connectivity to the SupportAssist server.
source-interface interface
Parameters interface:
ethernet node/slot/port[:subport]—Enter a physical Ethernet interface.
loopback number—Enter a Loopback interface, 0–16383.
management 1/1/1—Enter the management interface.
port-channel channel-id—Enter a port channel interface, 1–128.
vlan vlan-id—Enter a VLAN ID, 1–4093.
Default Not congured.
Command Mode
Usage Information The no version of this command removes the conguration.
OS10(conf-support-assist)# source-interface ethernet 1/1/4
OS10(conf-support-assist)# source-interface loopback 1
OS10(conf-support-assist)# source-interface mgmt 1/1/1
OS10(conf-support-assist)# source-interface port-channel 10
OS10(conf-support-assist)# source-interface vlan 100
Supported Releases 10.4.0E(R1) or later
SupportAssist company commands
Congures the company address.
address city name state name country name zipcode number
city name—Enter the keyword and the city name.
state name—Enter the keyword and the state name.
country name—Enter the keyword and the country code.
zipcode number—Enter the keyword and the zip code.
Default Not congured
Troubleshoot OS10 1347