Users Guide

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OS10 does not support adding a VLTi link member to the uplink-state group. You can add the VLTi link as upstream member to an uplink-
state group using the upstream VLTi command. If the VLTi link is not available in the system, OS10 allows adding the VLTi link as an
upstream member. In this case, UFD starts tracking the operational status of the VLTi link when the link is available. Until the VLTi link is
available, the show uplink-state-group details command displays the status of the link as NA.
In the following example, both the VLT port-channel connected to the switch and the VLTi Link are upstream members. The VLT port-
channel connected to the server is a downstream member. The UFD tracks the operational status of the peer port-channel.
: You cannot congure a VLTi link as a downstream member in an uplink-state group. If you congure, UFD disables the
VLTi link when the upstream members are operationally down, which aects the VLT functionality.
UFD commands
Uplink Failure Detection