Setup Guide
Example-Conguring IPv4 and IPv6 neighbors
The following example congurations show how to enable BGP and set up some peer under IPv4 and IPv6 address families.
To support your own IP addresses, interfaces, names, and so on, you can copy and paste from these examples to your CLI. Be sure that you
make the necessary changes.
Example-Conguring IPv4 and IPv6 neighbors
Example of enabling BGP and address family conguration in router (R1)
Following is an example to enable BGP and address family conguration for the neighbor R2 ( in the router R1.
R1(conf)# router bgp 10
R1(conf-router_bgp)# neighbor remote-as 200
R1(conf-router_bgp)# neighbor no shutdown
R1(conf-router_bgp)# neighbor 2001::2 remote-as 200
R1(conf-router_bgp)# neighbor 2001::2 no shutdown
R1(conf-router_bgp)# neighbor remote-as 20
R1(conf-router_bgp)# neighbor no shutdown
R1(conf-router_bgp)# neighbor 3000::1 remote-as 300
R1(conf-router_bgp)# neighbor 3000::1 no shutdown
R1(conf-router_bgp)# no neighbor 3000::1 activate
R1(conf-router_bgp)# address-family ipv4 multicast
R1(conf-router_bgp_af)# neighbor activate
R1(conf-router_bgp_af)# exit
R1(conf-router_bgp)# address-family ipv6 unicast
R1(conf-router_bgpv6_af)# neighbor activate
R1(conf-router_bgpv6_af)# neighbor 2001::2 activate
The neighbors congured under CONFIGURATION-ROUTER-BGP mode and are dened using the neighbor remote-as command
exchange only IPv4 unicast address prexes. If you want a neighbor to exchange other prexes such as IPv4 multicast or IPv6 unicast, you
have to explicitly activate the respective neighbor using neighbor activate command in the respective IPv4 multicast or IPv6 unicast
address family conguration. In the above example conguration, activating the neighbor ( under the IPv4 multicast address
family enables the neighbor to exchange IPv4 muticast prexes. Similarly, activating the neighbors ( and 2001::2) under the IPv6
unicast address family enables the neighbor to exchange IPv6 unicast prexes. The neighbor ( is activated by default for
exchanging IPv4 unicast address prexes, but will not exchange IPv4 multicast and IPv6 unicast address prexes since they are not
activated under the respective address family. If you want the neighbor ( to exchange IPv4 multicast and/or IPv6 unicast
prexes, you have to explicitly active the neighbor using
neighbor activate command.
If you do not want a neighbor to exchange IPv4 unicast prexes, you have to manually deactivate the peer with the no neighbor
activate command under the CONFIGURATION-ROUTER-BGP mode. If any neighbor is already activated to exchange IPv4 multicast
or IPv6 unicast prexes, exchanging of prexes can be deactivated using
no neighbor activate command under the IPv4 multicast
or IPv6 unicast address family. In the above example conguration, the peer (3000::1) is deactivated from exchanging IPv4 unicast prexes.
The show ip bgp summary or show ip bgp ipv4 unicast summary displays IPv4 unicast address family conguration. In a
dual stack scenario, to view the specic IPv4 multicast or IPv6 unicast address family conguration, use
show ip bgp ipv4
multicast summary or show ip bgp ipv6 unicast summary commands.
Following is the sample output for show ip bgp summary command.
R1#show ip bgp summary
BGP router identifier, local 10
BGP local RIB : Routes to be Added 0, Replaced 0, Withdrawn 0
3 neighbor(s) using 40960 bytes of memory
Neighbor AS MsgRcvd MsgSent TblVer InQ OutQ Up/Down State/Pfx 200 10 20 0 0 0 00:06:11 0
Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)