Users Guide

Additional NAS Server Features
This chapter includes the following.
Set the preferred UNIX Directory Service
Configure NAS server networks
Enable NDMP Protection and Events
Set the preferred UNIX Directory Service
After you have created a NAS server, you can set the preferred UNIX Directory Services (UDS) search order for user access.
1. Select Storage > NAS Servers.
2. Select the checkbox in the Name column to the left of the NAS server.
3. Click Modify.
4. Select the preferred UDS from the list of Unix Directory Service Search Order.
5. Click Apply.
Configure NAS server networks
You can modify or configure NAS server networks.
Configure the following for NAS server networks:
The file interfaces
Routes to external services such as hosts.
Configure file interfaces for a NAS Server
You can configure the file interfaces for a NAS server after the server has been added to PowerStore.
About this task
You can add more file interfaces, and define which is the preferred interface to use. Also, you can define which interface to use for
production and backup, or for IPv4, or IPv6.
1. Select Storage > NAS Servers > [nas server].
2. Click Add to add another file interface to the NAS server.
3. Click Ping to test the connectivity from the NAS server to an external IP address.
4. Click Preferred Interface to define which interface PowerStore should default to using when multiple production and backup
interfaces have been defined.
If you do not assign a preferred interface, PowerStore assigns one by default.
5. Select a file interface, and click:
Modify To change the properties of the file interface properties.
Additional NAS Server Features 17