Release Notes

14 Resolved Issues
Issue ID Functional Area Description
MDT-305819 Connectivity-Networks The following error occured while trying to map or unmap to the Default Storage
Network or remove the Global Storage IP address after upgrading from
PowerStore 1.0.x.
“Encountered an irrecoverable error during command execution, Reason
not_supported (0xE04020040004)”
MDT-253220 Connectivity-Networks iSCSI port remains down after retrying an unsuccessful VLAN change.
MDT-197207 Connectivity - Networks The management port being down alert is reworded from "The first onboard port
of node <A|B> is down." to "The management port of node <A|B> is down."
MDT-258225 Connectivity - Networks If port 0 and port 1 of 4-port card are configured with speed less than 10 Gbps on
PowerStore X, a warning is provided during Initial Network Validation. However,
cluster creation is not prevented and will fail during network initialization.
MDT-260658 Connectivity - Networks Top-of-Rack switch credentials did not include permissions to read basic switch
configuration as well as running configuration information.
MDT-260649 Connectivity - Networks Unexpected cyc_net error occurred, which indicates the validation component
unavailability during PUHC. Contact your support representative and provide the
(cyc_net_error) message.
MDT-194277 Connectivity - Networks The create cluster and add appliance operations will be blocked if there are
duplicates found in the L2 environment for the provided addresses.
MDT-209202 Connectivity - Networks If PowerStore is configured with an unstable network environment or the physical
switches are experiencing spontaneous packet drops, it may produce alerts about
unreachability of some IP addresses and may auto-clear them after a short period
of time.
MDT-278594 Connectivity - Networks Depending on customer's network environment NTP servers used for PowerStore
configuration may not respond spontaneously. In such cases PowerStore will
produce alerts about NTP availability, that may be auto-cleared after a short
period of time. If Users are aware about the health of theirs NTP servers, they may
ignore or acknowledge these alerts. But correctness of functioning of
PowerStore's services that require precise time synchronization (replication etc.)
is not guaranteed.
MDT-210743 Connectivity - Networks Add appliance fails due to wrong IP provided after an attempt to add an appliance
with incorrect IP addresses.
Primary appliance kept records of the IPs from a failed attempt to add an
appliance, which prevented the same appliance to be added later to the cluster
with correct IPs.