Users Guide

Table Of Contents
For example,
NOTE: By default, the installation runs interactively. To run the installation in the background instead, accept all
defaults, and accept the Dell EULA, then enter the following command after downloading the host plugin package to the
host and installing the certificate key:
# ./mnt/minstall --noninteractive --accepted-EULA --fcprotocol (or --
iscsiprotocol) --adapter=<ip_address>
Where ip_address = subnet IP address for MPIO. Failing to provide the --accepted-EULA option aborts a non-
interactive installation. Also, the port for the host or hosts is set to 8443 by default.
NOTE: If a firewall exists, ensure it is enabled to allow the port for the host or hosts to be open. For example:
# sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8443/tcp
Upgrade the host plugin for import on a Linux-based host
Verify the following on the host:
Open-iscsi (iscsid) is installed and running.
NOTE: This process is optional in a fibre channel environment.
GPG key has been installed.
EqualLogic HIT Kit is running.
About this task
The upgrade of the EQL HIT Kit host plugin for Linux is pertinent only for import of external storage from the Dell
EqualLogic PS version that is listed in Supported combinations of host OS, host multipath software, host protocol, and
source system for non-disruptive import on page 8.
To upgrade the EQL HIT Kit host plugin, do the following:
1. Download the host plugin package, equallogic-host-tools-<latest version>.iso, to a temporary directory, such as /temp, from
the Dell EqualLogic support site
2. Run the mount command for the host plugin.
For example,
#mount equallogic-host-tools-<latest version>.iso /mnt
3. Change to the /mnt directory.
For example,
#cd /mnt
4. View the items in the ./mnt directory for install.
For example,
EULA install LICENSES packages README support welcome-to-HIT.pdf
Host plugin installation (non-disruptive import only)