Reference Guide

Table Of Contents
The name of the cluster.
The floating management IP address for the cluster in IPv4 or IPv6 format.
The floating storage discovery IP address for the cluster in IPv4 or IPv6 format. If multiple
storage discovery addresses are configured, this property will be set to "null". In this case the
required storage network should be used to retrieve the discovery address.
[Deprecated in]
The unique identifier of the appliance acting as primary. Was deprecated in version
[Added in]
The unique identifier of the appliance acting as primary. Was added in version
Number of appliances configured in this cluster.
The physical ethernet port (eth_port resource) MTU setting is global for all ports in the
cluster. This is the default MTU setting for IP traffic, and the upper limit on network-specific
MTU settings (network resource), where this can be overridden for some specific kinds of
traffic (management, data, and vMotion).
Whether or not Data at Rest Encryption is enabled on the cluster.
The behavioral version of the software version API, and it is used to ensure the compatibility
across potentially different software versions.
Possible cluster states. * Unconfigured - This is a single appliance that is not in a cluster and
is in factory state. * Unconfigured_Faulted - This is single appliance that is not in a cluster
and Hardware is in faulted state. * Configuring - Cluster is in the process of initial setup. *
Core_Initialization - Cluster is in the process of core initialization. * Configured - Cluster is
configured and operational. * Expanding - Appliance(s) are being added to the cluster. *
Removing - Appliance(s) are being removed from the cluster. * Clustering_Failed - This is a
single appliance that failed an attempt to join a cluster. * Core_Initialization_Failed - This is a
single appliance that failed an attempt to join a cluster, bad state. * Removed - Appliance has
been removed from cluster. * Post_Core_Initialization - In the process of configuring post
core containers. * Unknown - System is in unknown state. Values was added in
Core_Initialization, Core_Initialization_Failed, Post_Core_Initialization, Removed, Unknown.
Values was deprecated in Configuring, Clustering_Failed.