Reference Guide

Headers For operations without request arguments:
Accept: application/json
Authorization: <auth_cookie>
For operations with request arguments:
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: <auth_cookie>
<resource_type> is the resource type of the instance for which you want to perform an action.
<id> is the unique identifier of the instance for which you want to perform an action.
<action_name> is the action that you want to perform.
For additional functionality, such as making the request an asynchronous request, you can append one or more
request parameters to the URI.
Body For operations without request arguments:
For operations with input data:
where the comma-separated list contains all required arguments and any optional arguments. Use double quotes
around a string, date-time, or ip-address value.
The success response for an instance-level resource-specific action differs depending on whether the action performed has
output data:
For actions that do not have output data, a successful request returns a 204 No Content HTTP status code and an
empty response body.
For actions that have output data, a successful request returns a 200 OK HTTP status code, and the body has the specified
out attributes in an instance resource response body.
If the request does not succeed, the server returns a 4xx or 5xx HTTP status code in the response header and a message entity
in the response body.
Creating a snapshot of a specified volume
The following request creates a snapshot of the volume instance that has an id of a47a6bc8-ad32-4e07-
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: <auth_cookie>
POST /api/rest/volume/a47a6bc8-ad32-4e07-bd51-15adc831dfee/snapshot
Creating other types of requests 39