Owners Manual

Figure 48. Removing an SFP module
Install an SFP module
1. Verify that the replacement SFP module has the same part number as the failed SFP module.
The part number is on a label attached to the SFP module.
2. Push the spring release latch up and slide the new SFP module into the port until it is securely connected.
Figure 49. Installing an SFP module
3. Push the spring release down to lock the SFP module into place.
4. Reconnect the cable to the replacement SFP module.
Verify the operation of a replacement part
1. From PowerStore Manager, select Hardware.
2. Select the appliance where you replaced the faulted part.
3. From the Hardware card, select the view of the system where the part was replaced.
The status of the replacement part should read Healthy. If the status is still Faulted, wait a few minutes and refresh
PowerStore Manager. If the status does not change, ensure that the part is correctly seated, or contact your service
Return a faulted part
About this task
For US customers, return defective material within five business days. For International customers, return defective material
within 10 business days. The materials required to return your defective part are supplied with the good part shipment.
Base enclosure service procedures