Reference Guide

IP address of the gateway associated with the route.
Perform asynchronous operation.
Use these resources to manage the Kerberos service for a NAS server. One Kerberos service object
may be configured per NAS Server. Kerberos is a distributed authentication service designed to
provide strong authentication with secret-key cryptography. It works on the basis of "tickets" that
allow nodes communicating over a non-secure network to prove their identity in a secure manner.
When configured to act as a secure NFS server, the NAS Server uses the RPCSEC_GSS security
framework and Kerberos authentication protocol to verify users and services. You can configure a
secure NFS environment for a multiprotocol NAS Server or one that supports Unix-only shares. In
this environment, user access to NFS file systems is granted based on Kerberos principal names.
This resource type has queriable association from nas_server
Type: string
Unique identifier of the Kerberos service settings instance.
Type: string
Unique identifier of the associated NAS Server instance that uses this Kerberos object. Only
one Kerberos object per NAS Server is supported.
Type: string
Realm name of the Kerberos Service.
Type: array of strings
Fully Qualified domain names of the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) servers. IPv4
and IPv6 addresses are not supported.
Type: 32-bit signed integer (0 to 65535)
KDC servers TCP port.
This is the embeddable reference form of nas_server_id attribute. See nas_server for more
Dell EMC PowerStore CLI Reference Guide