Reference Guide

Qualifier Description
-d,--debug Initiate verbose logging for debugging purposes.
-i, --inspect Inspect the cluster configuration; action is not taken.
Use case 1
If a repair or recovery action disables SupportAssist on an appliance, the svc_remote_support repair script compares the
current SupportAssist state to the cluster state. If the script detects that SupportAssist should be enabled, it then enables it.
This script also applies all configurations as a proxy server, or as a policy manager for integrated systems.
Example 1
The following example shows the script detecting that an appliance is not synchronized with the cluster:
svc_remote_support repair --inspect
Remote Support Configuration: Appl_1 configuration not synchronized with cluster.
Cluster: Enabled, Appl_1: Disabled
SRS Server authentication: Verified
Example 2
The following example shows the script confirming that SupportAssist is disabled on the appliance:
svc_remote_support repair --inspect
Remote Support Configuration: Synchronized with cluster
SRS Server authentication: Error, cannot authenticate with SRS server
Example 3
The following example shows the script confirming that SupportAssist is enabled on the appliance:
svc_remote_support repair --inspect
Remote Support Configuration: Appl_1 configuration not synchronized with cluster.
Cluster: Enabled, Appl_1: Disabled
SRS Server authentication: Verified
Use case 2
If SupportAssist is reenabled on some appliances, but not others, you cannot disable SupportAssist on the appliances where it is
enabled using PowerStore Manager. The service script repair option compares the SupportAssist state of the appliance with the
SupportAssist state of the cluster. If there is a mismatch and the script determines SupportAssist should be disabled on the
appliance, it then disables it.
Use case 3
If the credentials on the appliance and SupportAssist are no longer synchronized, you can fix this problem by re-adding the
appliance to SupportAssist.
Service Commands