Users Guide

В этой главе содержится следующая информация:
Data protection
Protection policies
Data protection
PowerStore provides both local and remote data protection. Using the PowerStore Manager, you can protect your data locally
by creating snapshots (point-in-time copies) of volumes, группы томов, virtual machines, or file systems. You can also apply
remote protection by replicating your data to a remote system for redundancy in the event of a disaster.
PowerStore enables you to create custom protection policies, which are sets of rules for snapshot creation, replication, or both,
and assign them to storage resources . Protection policies apply the defined rules on the storage resource, providing it with local
and/or remote protection.
Snapshots are read-only, point-in-time copies of data of a volume, группа томов, virtual machine, or file system. Creating a
snapshot saves the state of the storage resource at that particular point-in-time. Using snapshots, you can easily protect your
data locally and restore a storage resource to a previous state.
You can manually create snapshots at any time. It is also possible to configure snapshot rules as part of a protection policy and
assign them to the relevant storage resources. The system automatically creates snapshots of the relevant resource according
to the schedule specified in the protection policy.
If data corruption occurs or data is accidentally deleted, you can recover the data from the snapshots or restore the volume or
группа томов to the point in time when the snapshot was created.
For file systems, you can create two access types of read-only file snapshot: protocol and .snapshot. The default access type is
protocol, which can be exported as an SMB share, NFS export, or both. You can share and mount the snapshot on a client like
any other file system. For .snapshot access types, you can access the files within the snapshot from the production file system
in the.snapshot subdirectory of each directory.
You can also create write-order consistent and application consistent snapshots of volumes:
Write-order consistent snapshots - PowerStore holds all writes on the группа томов members to provide a uniform
point-in-time copy, and therefore ensure consistent protection across all member volumes. You can generate write-order
consistent snapshots from the PowerStore Manager.
Application consistent snapshots - You can create application consistent snapshots of a volume or a группа томов using
AppSync. When creating an application consistent snapshot, all incoming I/O for a given application is quiesced while the
snapshot is created.
To verify whether a snapshot is write-order consistent or application consistent, look at the Write-Order Consistent and
Application Consistent columns in the snapshot tables for a volume or группа томов in PowerStore Manager.
NOTE: If you cannot see these columns, you can add them, using the Add Filters option.
Mapping snapshots to hosts is not supported in PowerStore. To allow a connected host to access a snapshot, you can create a
thin clone - a writable, space efficient copy of the snapshot - and map it to a host. You can update the thin clone from different
snapshots using the refresh operation.
For details on the possible snapshot-related operations you can perform, using the PowerStore Manager, refer to the Snapshots
Введение 5