Reference Guide

import_session create -remote_system_id <value> -source_resource_id <value> -name <value> [-
description <value>] [-type {Non_Disruptive | Agentless}] [-host_ids <value>,..] ( [-
consistency_group_member_host_ids [-volume_wwn <value>] [{-host_ids <value>,.. | -host_names
<value>,..}]].. [-volume_group_id <value>] [-automatic_cutover {yes | true | no | false}] [-
protection_policy_id <value>] [-scheduled_timestamp <date>] [-async]
Action qualifiers
Unique identifier of the storage system that contains the source volume or consistency group
to be imported. You can query the source volume or consistency group object to get the
identifier of the source system that the volume or consistency group are part of.
Alternatively, you can use the remote_system object to get this information.
Unique identifier of the volume or consistency group to be imported. Refer to the following
objects for more information: * Storage Center : import_storage_center_volume,
import_storage_center_consistency_group * VNX : import_vnx_volume,
import_vnx_consistency_group * PS Series : import_psgroup_volume * Unity :
import_unity_volume, import_unity_consistency_group
Name of the import session. The name must be unique in the PowerStore cluster and can
contain a maximum of 128 unicode characters. It cannot contain special HTTP characters,
unprintable characters, or white space.
Description of the import session. The name can contain a maximum of 128 unicode
characters. It cannot contain unprintable characters.
The type of the import session. Values are: * Non_Disruptive - This type of import session
requires an Import Host Agent to be running on any host accessing the import source
resources. There is no host application downtime. * Agentless - This type of import session
does not require an Import Host Agent to be running on any host accessing the source
resources of import. Host application downtime is required to reconfigure the host
application to use the destination resource before starting the data copy operation.
Hosts to be mapped to the destination resource for an agentless import session.
Consistency group member volume-host mapping information for cases where the mappings
are not identical for all volumes.
WWN of the source consistency group member volume.
Dell EMC PowerStore CLI Reference Guide