Reference Guide

NAS server is deleted. Values are:\n - true - Keep the associated SMB servers joined to the
Active Directory when the NAS server is deleted. - false - (Default) Try to unjoin the
associated SMB servers from the Active Directory before deleting the NAS server.
Administrator login used to unjoin the associated SMB servers from the Active Directory (AD)
domain before deleting the NAS server. This parameter is required when the
skipDomainUnjoin parameter is false or not set, and the NAS server has SMB servers joined
to an AD domain.
Administrator password used to unjoin the associated SMB servers from the Active Directory
(AD) domain before deleting the NAS server. This parameter is required when the
skipDomainUnjoin parameter is false or not set, and the NAS server has SMB servers joined
to an AD domain.
Secure version of -domain_password. Value will be queried interactively.
Perform asynchronous operation.
Modify the settings of a NAS server.
nas_server {-id <value> | -name <value>} set [-name <value>] [-description <value>] [-
current_node_id <value>] [-preferred_node_id <value>] [-current_unix_directory_service {None |
NIS | LDAP | Local_Files | Local_Then_NIS | Local_Then_LDAP}] [-default_unix_user <value>] [-
default_windows_user <value>] [-is_username_translation_enabled {yes | true | no | false}] [-
is_auto_user_mapping_enabled {yes | true | no | false}] [-production_IPv4_interface_id <value>]
[-production_IPv6_interface_id <value>] [-backup_IPv4_interface_id <value>] [-
backup_IPv6_interface_id <value>] [-async]
Action qualifiers
Unique identifier of the NAS server.
Unique name of the existing object (nas_server).
Name of the NAS server.
Description of the NAS server.
Dell EMC PowerStore CLI Reference Guide