Reference Guide

At least one migration session for this recommendation has failed.
All migration sessions have been successfully completed.
Type: 64-bit signed integer (0 to 9223372036854775807)
Unitless value describing estimated cost to migrate all volumes for this recommendation
relative to other recommendations.
Type: enumerated value ("Evacuate_Appliance")
Type of request that generated a migration recommendation. Evacuate_Appliance - A
recommendation to evacuate space by auto selecting storage objects from an appliance using
specified size.
Type: object
Set evacuate_appliance parameters to evacuate space Filtering on the fields of this embedded
resource is not supported.
See request_parameters for more details
Type: date time
Time at which migration sessions were created for the recommendation. Null if migration
sessions have not been created.
Type: date time
Time at which all migration sessions for the recommendation were complete. Null if
migration sessions have not been created/started or if any migration pursuant to the
recommendation is still ongoing.
Type: array of strings
IDs of hosts that must be rescanned after migration sessions are created but before
migration sessions are started.
Type: array of objects
Filtering on the fields of this embedded resource is not supported.
Dell EMC PowerStore CLI Reference Guide