Reference Guide

Audit connections for the specified user.
Audit connections for the specified client or IP address.
-full Display more details about the file opens per connection.
Audit the current domain controller connections on the SMB server built-in client.
svc_nas_cifssupport --server SERVERNAME | ALL -args="-builtinclient"
Perform internal configuration tests to discover the root cause of potential configuration or
environmental errors.
svc_nas_cifssupport --server SERVERNAME | ALL -args="-checkup [-full] [-
-full Perform additional tests, which could take a significant amount of time.
-info Display information about the test that is executed by the command.
Display or build a Windows user credential. Use this command to troubleshoot user access control
svc_nas_cifssupport --server SERVERNAME | ALL -args="-cred
{-user <user_name> -domain <domain_name> | -sid <SID> | -uname
<user_name> -
The name and domain of the user.
-sid <SID> The SID of the user in decimal form.
The UNIX name or numerical ID (using the convention @uid=xxxx,gid=yyyy@, with
xxxx and yyyy the decimal numerical value of the uid and the primary gid,
respecitively) of the user.
NOTE: Setting the default UID to 0, or to a user which will be resolved at UID
0, will grant that user full root access. Ensure that this value is not set to 0
for users who should not have full access.
-build Build the credential for a user that has not yet connected the SMB server.
NOTE: This option requires a domain administrator ID/ password.
-credext Include additional details of the claims that are present in the Kerberos ticket. This
is only for Dynamic Access Control (DAC).
List (-info) or force update (-update) the Windows global policy objects (GPOs) that are applied to
the SMB server.
Service Commands