Users Guide

This cmdlet is intended as a big hammer recovery mechanism. It is not recommended for normal use.
List PMem physical disks and check their health status
The following image displays command usage to list all usage to list all PMem physical devices and get their health. Physical
location gives the location of the DIMM on the motherboard.
Figure 17. List PMem Physical Disks and their health status
NOTE: If Health Status is not Healthy and Operational Status is not OK, the issue needs to be rectified before creating
namespaces. Customers can run into this scenario if PMems were previously used with another operating system and
were booted with Windows without Sanitizing. If such a scenario occurs, right-click and uninstall all the Memory devices
and Persistent Memory disks from Device Manager and then scan for HW changes under Action in Device Manager. This
resolves any issues with the driver stack.
Create PMem Disks
Figure 18. Create PMem Disks